hi this is a personal blog and i update it whenever i want, whenever i have things to blog about.

a pokemon master. love good food, design and singing. can be kinda dramatic at times [inserts lots of coughing]

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Saturday, August 7, 2010 3:31 AM
Photos (06/08/10)

Yesterday: Early release for school yesterday, thanks to the coming National Day ;) Went to JP and got Jiaying to send me SUJU live performance vid to my phone on the bus ♥ Love my meal @Yakitori! ^^~ After meal we got stuck in Harris for a long, long, long time, haha. Then went to watch Inception, had to explain the thing to Qiaofen and Sweden the whole time cuz apparently I'm the pro since I'm watching it for the second time *proud face that irritates everyone* Then went our separate ways after the movie, bought this pair of high-waist shorts with Qiaofen ._. I'm officially broke people! TT
Downloaded a whole chunk of songs into my phone yesterday night! WHEEEE. Since I'm already at episode 195 for KHR, I went back to the episodes in front. Can't help but notice how ugly the characters were at first :X Especially Gokudera and Yamamoto *sad face*
