hi this is a personal blog and i update it whenever i want, whenever i have things to blog about.

a pokemon master. love good food, design and singing. can be kinda dramatic at times [inserts lots of coughing]

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010 4:40 AM
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

Hello hello :) EMaths paper 1 wasn't bad huh ^^
  1. I came from Earth.
  2. I love taking long bus rides alone :D
  3. I'm fickle-minded.
  4. I'm a right-hander.
  5. I go gaga over cute guys (LOL)
  6. I didn't know what narwhals are until today -.-
  7. I'm forgetful.
  8. I used to sing (loudly) while I bathe, until one day I heard my neighbour singing while he bathe then I realise that yes, my neighbours can hear me when I sing when bathing OMGOMG :|
  9. Unlike Pearlie, I'm not bipolar.
  10. I'm DANGEROUSLY bipolar ^^
  11. Oh yeah I know I'm lame.
  12. I'm stubborn, meaning I can't really adapt to changes.
  13. I tend to get pissed off over small unimportant stuff.
  14. I get jealous VERY, VERY, VERY easily~ (though I keep quiet about it, shhh)
  15. I'm a murderer. Cuz I killed an ant today. Sorry x_x
Bleh. Sorry I'm not interesting. This is should call the 15 lame facts about me :D Okay so here's the most recent photo of me, taken days ago when I'm bored. LOL. No I didn't edit the photo at all, the sparkling and all that was due to the flash which I had totally forgotten to switch off -.-
