hi this is a personal blog and i update it whenever i want, whenever i have things to blog about.

a pokemon master. love good food, design and singing. can be kinda dramatic at times [inserts lots of coughing]

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010 4:56 AM

KEY! Can't help myself, have to post this up! :D (Erm ok it's partly because I don't have other nice stuff to post about, eek.)
Okayyyyyy, 2 more days to graduation + class BBQ and 19 more days to the start of O'level! >:D Oh and I heard that it's English paper for those taking PSLE today, so, hope you all did well! :)
Anybody heard about the new Funblr thingy for kids instead of the original Tumblr which may contain stuff not suitable for kids? Why create Funblr when Tumblr is already so awesome D: Okay now I heard that the news isn't true. Sheesh. My life is so entertaining, NOT. Sorry for boring you guys :(
