hi this is a personal blog and i update it whenever i want, whenever i have things to blog about.

a pokemon master. love good food, design and singing. can be kinda dramatic at times [inserts lots of coughing]

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012 2:40 AM

Okay I was wondering if I should remove my tagboard or something because I don't even reply tags anymore... Wait, I mean, I really want to reply you guys but I'm so lazy omg I hate myself. All my posts are about the same thing, how many times have I even apologized, you guys must be sick and tired of hearing my bullshits alr :(
I've been spending way too much time watching animes, managing my anime blog, trying to improve my gif-making skill that I'm totally neglecting my studies (BUT IT'S HOLIDAY GUISE IT'S HOLIDAY ;_;) and also, MY BLOG. Oh god. I know school started for most Singaporean students today, so erm, happy schooling while I enjoy the last week of my holiday here before school officially begins for us jc kids (SUCKS MAX GONNA TAKE MY ALEVEL THIS YEAR I'M SO DEAD SLACKERS GONNA DIE)

Oh pardon my rudeness, this is my very first post for the year... so HAPPY NEW YEAR GUISE ENJOY YOUR 2012 (hopefully it'll be a better than 2011!:)) I need to post about my holiday soon or else the details are going to get vague soon /coughs
明けましておめでとうございます again WOOHOO
