hi this is a personal blog and i update it whenever i want, whenever i have things to blog about.

a pokemon master. love good food, design and singing. can be kinda dramatic at times [inserts lots of coughing]

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Monday, September 13, 2010 1:57 AM
Standing still

Hey there peeps ;)
See this people!? I changed my blog's layout! It's the first time I'm using dark gray for the background and I think it's rather cool. *big grin* Also, I now have 8 music tracks on the music player, spamming :D
Had Geography Paper 2 (human geog) today, was rather terrible because I didn't manage to finished it, but oh well, my human geog's usually not that good anyway :\ Yeah I did say I'm going to sleep at latest 1am yesterday, but I ended up not sleeping at all, yikes. Studying for Geography paper was just so boring I turned my attention to the wall in front of me and stared off into blank space instead of focusing on the textbook and sheets of notes. Gah :( It's not the end of Geography yet... there's still Paper 1 tomorrow!! Oh but luckily it's testing on physical geog which I'm better at (than human geog which I totally suck at, blergh).
Also, had a wonderful meal at MacDonald's after exam today, love my Sausage McMuffin with Egg which was added with extra spices like salt and pepper (sorry if you're disgusted but that's my taste haha), wheee ^^
Weird though, I don't really feel tired now. I could have sleep after returning home from exam just now isn't it, but I had chose to spend the time to make this VERY layout :X Guess I should get off the computer right now and start studying for tomorrow's papers?