hi this is a personal blog and i update it whenever i want, whenever i have things to blog about.

a pokemon master. love good food, design and singing. can be kinda dramatic at times [inserts lots of coughing]

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Friday, September 17, 2010 4:49 AM
We can dance till we die

(for me ★★★)

Okay but I'm not really happy about it, because since exams ended, we will be going back to normal school timetable again, argh, and that includes going through our exam papers, which I'm sure that I had screwed up, I just hate seeing the disappointed looks from my teachers. There's currently a throbbing pain in my head, thanks to having irregular sleeping hours through this week as I had to burn midnight oil for the papers.
AMath paper1 this morning was awesome, I'm quite confident about it, though not so for other subjects. So far I'm only confident about my EMath and AMath, this is terrible, yikes. As for the other subjects, I guess I'll just have to squeeze my eyes shut, pray for the best and let miracles do its magic :P
Caught a movie after exam today at West Mall with Jiesi and Qiaofen. Grown Ups was rather entertaining and enjoyable, that is, if you want to have a good laugh after all those stress :) I'm sure if Ms. Chan's there she'll tell me that I'm laughing like a hyena, hees. Sadly, there's no handsome guys in the movie, but there's a few hot girls - oh well I'm not les.
Graduation in two weeks time, oh crap I've got a feeling that I will cry, gonna miss everyone :( I'm worried about my future, will I score well enough to enter a junior college? Will I get 6 points for my L1R5 (I don't care if any of you think that it's ridiculous for me to get 6 points - but I'll try my best and show everyone, so there!) ? Will my life next year be smooth? Will I be able to make new friends?
Gah. Let's just not worry about that for now ☺