hi this is a personal blog and i update it whenever i want, whenever i have things to blog about.

a pokemon master. love good food, design and singing. can be kinda dramatic at times [inserts lots of coughing]

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Monday, November 1, 2010 4:41 AM
Day 07 08 09

Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
» Nobody.:\
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
» No goal, term's over and it's freaking holiday now! (I mean, after my exam's over-.-)
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
» ...I got my Pokemon 4th badge, and I think I did pretty good for my Maths papers. That's all.

Doing the 3 days together cuz there's not really much to talk about for these topics, gah. Physics paper today suck, I didn't really put in a lot of effort in trying to understand the concepts, yikes. My mind's kinda occupied with what I should do after my exams during the holiday, LOL. Crap. Gotta keep myself focused, argh. Tomorrow's Pure Geography paper 1! Gah physical geog = many stuff to memorize. I better go start already ahhhh ._.
