hi this is a personal blog and i update it whenever i want, whenever i have things to blog about.

a pokemon master. love good food, design and singing. can be kinda dramatic at times [inserts lots of coughing]

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Monday, November 8, 2010 8:17 PM
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy

YAY POKEMON >:) Okay it doesn't really makes me happy lar cuz it pissed me off sometimes ijustcan'tfindtheentrancetothatdumbcave %@!$#@#&* LOL I put Pokemon cuz I have no idea what to put :X Yes as you can see, I'm at the Fallarbor Town currently, buried in the stupid volcanic ashes, haha. So... Thanks a lot to wonderful Dorothy for the game :B

OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. Geography paper 2's down! OMFG THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE. I survived *cheers* 3 more days of exams to go, till freedom! Now I'm left with HCL, Chemistry paper 1 and Physics paper 1. Time do flies by :\ This Friday will be the very last day I'm wearing Fuhua's school uniform. Wow. There're people I probably won't get to see ever again (well unless we're good friends who still go out together and people going for prom, haha) I'll be missing those familiar faces, even though we aren't close or whatever. And I'll miss somebody.
明天考的是华文,以我现在的华文水平,简直就像是个小学生的程度,完蛋了。该怎么应付华文呢?平时的我并不把华文放在眼里,考试时也没温习,总认为温不温习还不都是一样,用不着那么地卖力。现在的我呢?是,我开始有点担心了,万一考试时我突然脑子一片空,连半句好词好句都想不起就糟糕了。唉,只打了这么一段简单的内容我就开始累了,真是不认老不行了(好啦其实跟老不老半点关系也没,是我自己的问题,说老也只是烂借口一个 -.-)希望明天的华文测验不会太难,否则明年的我也没脸回学校拿取成绩了。就只打了这么一丁点儿的字,也算得着是练习吧?最终对不起的人还不是自己吗...
Okay I totally fail at blogging in Chinese. My standard has dropped oh-so-drastically that I'm freaking out. I'm talking like I'm some idiot. Oh well whatever, never mind :|
